Private Tuition & Education Guardianship For International Students

我们为国际学生提供补习服务 & 提供英国监护服务




We provide high-quality Private Tuition and  Education Guardianship Services for International students. Please contact us for further details of our services.






T&L  Aquaworld

439 Roman Road

London E3 5LX

United kingdom





1-We provide one to one online tuition to students






Wherever you are, all you need is a computer and internet connection, we will be able to deliver our service to you….


无论你在哪, 你所需要的是一台电脑和互联网连接, 我们将能够为你提供服务…..





Online Private Tuition is increasingly popular. It is similar to face-to-face private tuition but has many important advantages:


- Time-saving since students do not need to rush to go to tutor's place


- Cost-saving since there is no travel cost involved


- Students have more time to rest and relax before the tuition begins, less stress for students      and therefore students can focus more during the lessons


- Online tuition generally easier, more flexible and simpler to arrange


- The cost of online tuition is much cheaper


- Student and tutor can mutually arrange a suitable, convenient time and location for the           tuition


- An online tutorial has all the interactive benefits of a face-to-face tutorial


- Teaching material is sent prior to private tuition class begins, students can arrange different     subjects into different folders in the computer, no need for students to copy from                     the whiteboard/blackboard


- Online private tuition preserves the value of the tutorial method of learning through live         interaction between you and your tutor


- Online tutoring allows you to have your tutorial from the comfort of your own surroundings


- Students can study wherever they are, all they need are a computer and internet connection





- 节省时间,因为学生不需要去补习老师的地方


- 节省钱,因为不涉及交通费用


- 在补习开始之前,学生有更多的时间休息和放松,减轻学生压力,因此学生可以在上课时集中精力 


- 在线补习通常更容易和更灵活安排


- 在线授课的费用要更便宜得多


- 学生导师互相 设置一个方便和合适时间上课, 减轻学生压力


- 在线教程具有面对面教程的所有交互优势


- 教材在补习班开始之前发送,学生可以将不同的科目安排在电脑的不同文件夹中,无需学生复制      黑板上的笔记


- 在线授课通过老师和学生之间的实时互动来保留学习方法的价值


- 在线授课使学生可以在自己舒适的环境中进行学习


- 学生可以在任何地方学习,他们所需要的是一台电脑和互联网连接



2-We also provide face to face tuition to students







<< Click Here



3-We Provide Education Guardianship For International Students






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